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  • Photos: The Sorcerer | G&S Manchester

    The Sorcerer Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • Gallery: Ages Ago | G&S Manchester

    Ages Ago Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • Gallery: Princess Ida | G&S Manchester

    Princess Ida Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • Photos: Miscellaneous | G&S Manchester

    Miscellaneous Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • 2019–2020 Programme | G&S Manchester

    Programme for the 2019–20 (88th) Season Sunday 13th October 2019 at 2.30 pm “Oh the man who can drive a theatrical team” Philip Walsh has been performing, building sets and directing on the Fylde Coast and Preston for over 55 years. He has attended every G&S Festival and taken part in many Savoynet shows. This afternoon he will entertain us with song and an illustrated talk about the variety of tasks he has undertaken. The Sheila Taylo r meeting. ​ Sunday 10th November 2019 at 2.30 pm “in some old cabinet” Treasures from the attic! Raymond Walker, our archivist, assisted by Chris Browne, will talk about and show some of our archives which really should be seen and enjoyed more than they are. The Harold Sumner meeting. ​ Tuesday 3rd December 2019 at 7.15 pm Subject to be arranged. ​ Sunday 5th January 2020 at 2.30 pm “on each of us thy learning shed” Roderick Murray examines the life of D‘Oyly Carte patter man Walter Passmore, low comedian, star of musical comedy and legend of the music halls! Aft er George Grossmith‘s departure, several contenders to the throne of Principal Comedian emerged, but Walter Passmore reigned triumphant at the Savoy through the turbulent period of the 1890s. Presented in words, music and visuals. The Nor man Beckett meeting. ​ Tuesday 4th February 2020 at 7.15 pm “such a past-master of that modulated instrument” Our President David Mackie will reminisce about his days as Assistant MD of D‘Oyly Carte and play some of Sullivan‘s piano music. Admission: members £5, visitors £7 ​ Tuesday 3rd March 2020 at 7.15 pm “a paradox, a most ingenious paradox” We celebrate Frederic‘s birthday differently this year as John Coates muses on the Paradoxical, Topsy-Turvy World created by WSG in the operas. ​ Sunday 5th April 2020 at 2.30 pm “his talents he‘ll employ” John Savournin will entertain us in song and talk about his work as performer and director. Admission: members £5, visitors £7 ​ Tuesday 12th May 2020 at 7.15 pm “the gratifying feeling that our duty has been done” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment. CANCELLED DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC CANCELLED DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC

  • Contact Us | G&S Manchester

    Contact Us Get in Touch The Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Manchester welcomes your enquiries. For information, please contact, as appropriate, one of the society’s officials... New Members/ Publicity Officer Secretary Treasurer PAUL TAYLOR email: JEAN DUFTY email: DERRICK LACK email: Alternatively, use this contact form... First Name Last Name Your Email Subject Type Your Message Here Send Message Thank You!

  • Photos: Haddon Hall | G&S Manchester

    Haddon Hall Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • Groups | G&S Manchester

    Groups Feed Suggested Groups The Gilbert & Sulliv Group Public · 1 member Join This post is from a suggested group Join dalack October 23, 2023 · posted in The Gilbert & Sulliv Group Welcome to our group The Gilbert & Sulliv Group ! A space for us to connect and share with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll. 0 + 0 Comments comments debug Write a comment... Write a comment...

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