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  • 2016–2017 Programme | G&S Manchester

    Programme for the 2016–17 (85th) Season Sunday 4th Octo ber 2016 at 2.30 pm “They sing choruses in public” Concert by members of Manchester University Gilbert & Sullivan Society (MUGSS). ​ Tuesday 1st November 2016 at 7.15 pm “Rend with songs the air above” Concert by students of the Royal Northern College of Music from Offenbach‘s La Vie Parisienne – a taster of their December production – and a selection of Gilbert & Sullivan items. The Sh eila Taylor meeting. ​ Sunday 4th December 2016 at 2.30 pm “In his own melodious way!” Co ncert by Joseph Sho velton (tenor). [Professional engagements permitting.] The Harold Sumner meeting. Admi ssion: members £5, visitors £7 ​ Sunday 15th January 2017 at 2.30 pm “Is all this true?” “D‘Oyly Carte: the inside story” – Roberta Morrell will enter tain us with background stories from interviews for her book of the same name. ​ Tuesd ay 7th February 2017 at 7.15 pm “It is a pretty picture” A talk by Raymond Walker on D‘Oyly Carte backcloths and scenery through the decades, illustrated by some beautiful photos. He and David Skelly are working on a book on this subject. ​ Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 7.15 pm “Told in ‘song and story’” Paul Taylor will instruct us again with one of his opera studies – The Yeoman of the Guard – this time. The N orman Beckett meeting. ​ Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd April 2017 “And all day long our lives would be a song” Convention for members of all Affiliated G&S Societies at the Alma Lodge Hotel, Stockport. ​ Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 7.15 pm “And now, my Lords, to the business of the day” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment.

  • Gallery: Rutland Barrington | G&S Manchester

    Rutland Barrington Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • Photos: The Sorcerer | G&S Manchester

    The Sorcerer Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • 2017–2018 Programme | G&S Manchester

    Programme for the 2017–18 (86th) Season Sunday 3rd Octo ber 2017 at 7.30 pm “We recall without repining” Paul Kampen and Howard Rogerson will reminisce about their days in the D‘Oyly Carte orchestra and other G&S, with some live music including from a period horn. ​ Tuesday 7th November 2017 at 7.30 pm “Rend with songs the air above” Kay Jordan (soprano) will entertain us with talk and song, accompanied by Tim Walker. The Shei la Taylor meeting. Admission: members £5, visitors £7 ​ Tuesday 5th December 2017 at 7.30 pm “tell us all about it” David Cookson will delight us with talk and music from his wide experience of G&S as an MD, repetiteur, accompanist and founder of “Musical Solutions”. ​ Tuesday 9th January 2018 at 7.30 pm “Life‘s a Pudding full of Plums” As are the Operettas! Name your favourite piece of music or dialogue, then we will listen, enthuse and inform together, led by John Coates. The Harold Sumner meeting. ​ Sunday 4th February 2018 at 2.30 pm “They sing s o nicely” Three Towns Operatic Society, led by our member David Kay, will entertain us in concert. ​ Tuesday 6th March 2018 at 7.30 pm “I can teach you with a quip, if I‘ve a mind” Martin Yates will fascinate us with his study of the music of Patience and Utopia . The Norman Beckett meeting. Admiss ion: members £5 , visitors £7 ​ Tuesday 3rd April 2018 at 7.30 pm “everything is interesting” Details to be finalized. ​ Tuesday 8th May 2018 at 7.30 pm “In punctual and business-like fashion” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment.

  • Photos: Rutland Barrington | G&S Manchester

    Rutland Barrington Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • Photos: Patience | G&S Manchester

    Patience Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • Photos: Yeomen of the Guard | G&S Manchester

    Yeomen of the Guard Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • 2022 Convention | G&S Manchester

    2022 (22nd) Convention Frid ay 13 M ay 2022 7.00 pm Celebration Dinner (4 course). Dress; dinner jacket or lounge suit. This will mark Manchester Society's 90th Anniversary as well as being the opening of the Convention. Matthew Siveter (baritone) will delight us afterwards with a short concert accompanied at the piano by Martin Yates. The cash bar in the Regis Suite will be open until midnight. ​ ​ Satur day 14 May 2022 9.30 – 10.00 am Assemble 10.00 am Welcome 10.15 am The Mikado : the Victorian Mas terpiece of British opera Martin Yates , chairman of the Sir Arthur Sullivan Society, places Sullivan in his proper place in the musical line from Purcell to Britten. 11.15 am Coffee 11.45 am A Great Savoyard : presentation on the life and work of Darrell Fancourt by his great niece, Deborah Lea. 12.45 pm Light Buffet Lunch : Cash bar open beforehand. 2 .30 pm Matthew Siveter will be interviewed about his musical and professional journey. Questions welcomed at the end. 3.15 to 3. 45 pm Interval tea or coffee 3.45 to 4.45 approx. Paul Taylor of Manchester Society will give a talk on the events leading up to the first production of Iolanthe . 4.45 to 6.30 pm Free time 6.30 pm Evening meal 8.00 pm Celebrity Concert by Leon Berger, Sylvia Clark, Eleanor Jane Moran and Russell Painter accompanied by Tim Smith. 10. 00 pm Tea, coffee and biscuits and a cash bar will be open until midnight. Sunday 15 May 10.0 0 am An Act of Worship featuring Sullivan’s two Te Deums led by Arthur Barrett and John Balls of Norwich G&S Society. 10.50 am approx. Coffee 11.30 am ‘In Duet’: Juliet Montgomery and Aidan Edwards will entertain in song accompanied by David Mackie. Formal close of convention. 1.00 pm Sunday Lunch (3 course) Disperse (“most reluctantly”) Review Review

  • Photos: Pirates | G&S Manchester

    The Pirates of Penzance Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • Gallery: Iolanthe | G&S Manchester

    Iolanthe Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index

  • 2013–2014 Programme | G&S Manchester

    Programme for the 2013–14 (82nd) Season Sunday 13th Octo ber 2013 at 2.30 p m “rend with songs the air above” Professional celebrity concert by John Savournin (baritone) accompanied at the piano by David Eaton. Many of us have enjoyed John‘s fine voice and acting skills at Buxton. [Professional engagements permitting.] Admis sion: members £5, visitors £7 The Harold Sumner meeting. ​ Tuesday 5th November 2013 at 7.15 pm “The woman of the wisest wit” Sandra Dugdale, soprano, producer and lecturer, will entertain and enlighten us with an illustrated talk on producing G&S. The Sheila Taylor meeting. ​ Tuesday 3rd December 2013 at 7.15 pm “everything is interesting, tell us, tell us all about it” Derek Scott, Professor of Music at Leeds University, will entertain us about ‘humorous devices in G&S’ from his knowledge of, and enthusiasm for, G&S. A v ery entertaining speaker. The Norman Beckett meeting. ​ Tuesday 4th February 2014 at 7.15 pm “seated one day at the keyboard” Piano and organ recital of Sullivan music by some of our members and friends. ​ Tuesday 4th March 2014 at 7.15 pm “studied gravely and conscientiously” Paul Taylor will present another of his studies of an opera, Ruddigore , illustrated in ‘many various ways’. ​ Sunday 13th April 2014 at 2.30 pm David Ka y, one of our members, is an experienced performer and producer with The Three Towns Operatic Society. He will sing a selection of G&S, and talk about performing and producing. ​ Tuesday 6th May 2014 at 7.15 pm “to this attend without undue delay” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment. Review Review

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