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- Odds and Sods | G&S Manchester
About Us FORTHCOMING EVENT: THIS SUNDAY (23rd February 2025) at 2.30 p.m. Cross Street Chapel, Cross Street, MANCHESTER, M2 1NL Sale G&S Society will perform Trial by Jury in celebration of the operetta‘s 150th anniversary, and David Walton, our Chairman, will share some thoughts about this operatic gem. Visitors are welcome: bring a friend! FORTHCOMING EVENT: THIS SUNDAY (30th March 2025) at 2.30 p.m. Cross Street Chapel, Cross Street, MANCHESTER, M2 1NL What are our top three Gilbert and Sullivan Operas? John Coates will encourage us to share our favourites in the G&S canon . Visitors are welcome: bring a friend! Coming soon: Sunday 9th March 2025
- Home | G&S Manchester
The Gilbert & Sullivan Society, Manchester, is an appreciation society of the G&S operas. We hold a variety of events, including talks, concerts and study evenings. Our meetings are held monthly from May to October: some via Zoom and others live in central Manchester. The Gilbert & Sullivan Society, Manchester We are not a performing society, but exist to help anyone who wants to increase their knowledge of the operas of Gilbert and Sullivan, and the lives of W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. The aims of the society are to encourage people of all ages to enjoy and develop their knowledge of the world of Gilbert and Sullivan, and to help maintain the integrity of the operas. Join us on Facebook About Our history & commitment Future Events See what's happening Join Us Support us “To get from ‘p rotoplasmal primordial atomic globule’ (as Gilbert and Sullivan put it) to sentient upright modern human has required you to mutate new traits over and over in a precisely timely manner for an exceedingly long while." Bill Bryson – A Short History of Nearly Everything (2003)
- Past Events | G&S Manchester
Past Events 2024–2025 Programme 2023–2024 Programme 2022–2023 Programme 2022 Convention 2021–2022 Programme 2020–2021 Programme 2019–2020 Programme 2018–2019 Programme 2017–2018 Programme 2017 Convention 2016–2017 Programme 2015–2016 Programme 2014–2015 Programme 2013–2014 Programme 2012–2013 Programme 2011–2012 Programme 2010–2011 Programme 2009–2010 Programme
- Upcoming Events | G&S Manchester
Upcoming Events Please note that some meetings will be live on Sunday afternoons at 2.30 pm in Cross Street Chapel , Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1NL, and others will be on Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 pm. Please note, however, that the last meeting of the season — the Annual General Meeting — will be at 7.30 pm in Cross Street Chapel. Sunday 30th M a rch 2025 at 2.30 pm What are our top three G&S operas? John Coates will encourage us to share our favourites in the G&S canon. Tuesday 13th May 2025 at 7.30 pm in Cross Street Chapel Annual General Meeting.
- 2022–2023 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2022–23 (91st) Season Sunday 11th September 2022 at 2.30 pm “With choral joy delight the breeze” A concert by Peter Crichton and some friends of his from Crosby G&S Society. Postponed from April 2022. Sunday 2nd October 2022 at 2.30 pm “Towards the empyrean heights" A concert by five professional singers celebrating the life of the late Dorothy Goulden. David and Dorothy nurtured them when they were teenagers. The Sheila Taylor meeting. Sunday 6th November 2022 at 2.30 pm “A Pure and Patient Love – Recorded” Our member David Wheeler will compare and contrast some different recordings of G&S operas pointing out interesting differences. The Harold Sumner meeting. Tuesday 6th December 2022 on Zoom at 7.30 pm "There can be no harm in revelling in the past" Pamela Field, soprano with the D‘Oyly Carte in the 1970s, will talk about her days in the Carte and her subsequent career. Tues day 10th January 2023 on Zoom at 7.30 pm "everything is interesting" Cr eating Iolanthe and Utopia Ltd, presented by Michael Heyland, Director of Productions, D‘Oyly Carte Opera Company 1969 to 1978. The Norman Beckett meeting. Saturday 4th Feb ruary 2023 on Zoom at 10.30 am "in yonder isle beyond the sea" Presentation by Stuart Maunder and Diana Burleigh about some aspects of G&S in Australia. Sunday 5th March 2023 at 2.30 pm “with laughing song and merry dance” A concert by Mae Heydorn, mezzo with the The G&S Festival Opera Company among other companies. Admission: members £5, visitors £7 Sunday 2nd April 2023 at 2.30 pm "your character true unfurl" John Coates will encourage a few members to speak about one or more of their favourite characters in the G&S operas. Tuesday 9th May 2023 on Zoom or Live at 7.30 pm "to this attend without undue delay" Annual General Meeting plus entertainment. Review Review Review
- 2024–2025 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2024–25 (93rd) Season Sunday 6th October 2024 at 2.30 pm "I have a pretty turn for anecdote" Our Vice-President David Steadman will be in conversation with David Walton . He has promised some musical surprises. It is always entertaining and amusing when these two chat together. The Sheila Taylor meeting. Sunday 3rd November 2024 at 2.30 pm "The air is charged with amatory numbers" A concert by Sophie Clarke, mezzo-soprano, and James Connolly, baritone, both postgraduate students at the RNCM. Sophie won the award offered by The G&S Society. Accompanied on the piano by David Wheeler. The Harold Sumner meeting. Tuesday 3rd December 2024 on Zoom at 7.30 pm "Tell us, tell us all about it" James Hurley, revival director of Opera North's Ruddigore , will enlighten us on this production. The Norman Beckett meeting. Tuesday 14th January 2025 on Zoom at 7.30 pm "Sprites of earth and air" Our Vice-President Martin Lamb will intrigue us with an illustrated talk on ‘Gilbert and Sullivan and the supernatural in Victorian Art‘. Tuesday 11th February 2025 on Zoom at 7.30 pm "All is prepared" John Broad and Rosalind Griffiths share stories of their performing careers from their time in the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and beyond. Sunday 23rd February 2025 at 2.30 pm "Oh, joy unbounded!" Our friends from Sale G&S Society will perform Trial by Jury in celebration of its 150th anniversary, and David Walton will share some thoughts about this gem of an opera. Sunday 30th March 2025 at 2.30 pm "And I am right, And you are right. And everything is quite correct!" What are our top three G&S operas? John Coates will encourage us to share our favourites in the G&S canon. Tuesday 13th May 2025 at 7.30 pm at Cross Street Chapel "Strange the views some people hold!" Annual General Meeting. POSTPONED TO 28TH JANUARY 2025 DUE TO A TECHNICAL PROBLEM.
- About Us | G&S Manchester
About Us The Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Manchester , which was founded in 1932, provides an interesting and entertaining programme of events, once a month between October and May. Some of the meetings are held at the Cross Street Chapel , Cross Street, Manchester, usually on Sundays, and other meetings are held via Zoom, usually on Tuesdays. Many members of the society have close links with other related societies, including performing societies, and some members have professional links in the G&S world. The society aims to stimulate interest and develop knowledge of the Savoy operas and their authors; it is not a producing society, but enjoys friendly relations with local amateur societies. Our membership is made up of passionate individuals who share a love for these timeless operas. We invite you to join us in celebrating the music, characters and stories that have delighted audiences for over a century. The society is affiliated to The Gilbert and Sullivan Society which meets in London. It was founded in 1924 and was the first of some twenty affiliated societies formed throughout the world. The annual subscription to The Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Manchester is £22, or £11 for anyone under the age of 18 or receiving full-time education. The year starts on 8th April. Admission to most meetings is free of charge. For one or two meetings a year, when professional singers/performers are involved, there is usually an admission charge of £5 for members, and £7 for visitors. We have a committee of approximately eight members who plan the monthly programmes and make other decisions about the Society.
- 2009–2010 Programme | G&S Manchester
Programme for the 2009–10 (78th) Season Tuesday 15th September 2009 at 7.15 pm “I‘m one of the family” An attractive extra meeting: Scott Hayes, Arthur Sullivan‘s great, great nephew, will speak to us again during his visit from the USA. “Uncle Arthur: The California Connection” Tuesday 8th October 2009 at 7.15 pm “Remarkable people in history” Simon Theobald will present the life of Rutland Barrington, bass-baritone, in the original company, and sing some of the songs first sung by Barrington, accompanied by Andrew Nicklin. The Norman Beckett meeting. Sunday 8th November 2009 at 2.30 pm “a refreshing novelty” Jeff Clarke, originator/MD/producer of Opera della Luna, will speak about creating the Company. [Pr ofessional engagements permitting.] Tuesday 1 December 2009 at 7.15 pm “Ballads, songs and snatches” Celebrity concert by Victoria Byron (mezzo) and Ian Belsey (baritone), accompanied by David Norris. [Professional engagements permitting.] Admission: members £5, visitors £7 The Sheila Taylor meeting. Sunday 10th January at 2.30 pm “a past-master of that delicately modular instrument” The Lost Chord Instrumental Ensemble will present a sparkling New Year concert, produced and presented by Christopher Browne. Tuesday 2nd February 2010 at 715 pm “and for knowledge if anyone burns” Study evening on The Sorcerer presented by Paul Taylor. March 2010 “who thirst for such instruction as we give” We are arranging a Masterclass for music students in conjunction with well-known G&S conductor, John Owen Edwards. [Professional engagements permitting.] The day-time class and following concert are both to be open for our members to attend. Date and details to follow. The Harold Sumner meeting. Tuesday 6th April 2010 at 7.15 pm “jolly jinks” A DIY evening of fun. Tuesday 4th May 2010 at 7.15 pm “in a contemplative fashion” Annual General Meeting plus entertainment.
- Gallery: Pirates | G&S Manchester
The Pirates of Penzance Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index
- Gallery: The Sorcerer | G&S Manchester
The Sorcerer Click on a photograph to enlarge it. Click here to return to Gallery index
- Upcoming Events tba | G&S Manchester
Upcoming Events Please note that some meetings will be live on Sunday afternoons at 2.30 pm in Cross Street Chapel , Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1NL, and others will be on Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 pm The programme for 2024/2025 will appear here in mid September 2024.
- 2022 Convention | G&S Manchester
2022 (22nd) Convention Frid ay 13 M ay 2022 7.00 pm Celebration Dinner (4 course). Dress; dinner jacket or lounge suit. This will mark Manchester Society's 90th Anniversary as well as being the opening of the Convention. Matthew Siveter (baritone) will delight us afterwards with a short concert accompanied at the piano by Martin Yates. The cash bar in the Regis Suite will be open until midnight. Satur day 14 May 2022 9.30 – 10.00 am Assemble 10.00 am Welcome 10.15 am The Mikado : the Victorian Mas terpiece of British opera Martin Yates , chairman of the Sir Arthur Sullivan Society, places Sullivan in his proper place in the musical line from Purcell to Britten. 11.15 am Coffee 11.45 am A Great Savoyard : presentation on the life and work of Darrell Fancourt by his great niece, Deborah Lea. 12.45 pm Light Buffet Lunch : Cash bar open beforehand. 2 .30 pm Matthew Siveter will be interviewed about his musical and professional journey. Questions welcomed at the end. 3.15 to 3. 45 pm Interval tea or coffee 3.45 to 4.45 approx. Paul Taylor of Manchester Society will give a talk on the events leading up to the first production of Iolanthe . 4.45 to 6.30 pm Free time 6.30 pm Evening meal 8.00 pm Celebrity Concert by Leon Berger, Sylvia Clark, Eleanor Jane Moran and Russell Painter accompanied by Tim Smith. 10. 00 pm Tea, coffee and biscuits and a cash bar will be open until midnight. Sunday 15 May 10.0 0 am An Act of Worship featuring Sullivan’s two Te Deums led by Arthur Barrett and John Balls of Norwich G&S Society. 10.50 am approx. Coffee 11.30 am ‘In Duet’: Juliet Montgomery and Aidan Edwards will entertain in song accompanied by David Mackie. Formal close of convention. 1.00 pm Sunday Lunch (3 course) Disperse (“most reluctantly”) Review Review