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Programme for the 2024–25 (93rd) Season

Sunday 6th October 2024 at 2.30 pm

"I have a pretty turn for anecdote"

Our Vice-President David Steadman will be in conversation with David Walton.

He has promised some musical surprises. It is always entertaining and amusing when these two chat together.

The Sheila Taylor meeting.​ 

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Sunday 3rd November 2024 at 2.30 pm

"The air is charged with amatory numbers"

A concert by Sophie Clarke, mezzo-soprano, and James Connolly, baritone, both postgraduate students at the RNCM. Sophie won the award offered by The G&S Society. Accompanied on the piano by David Wheeler.​

The Harold Sumner meeting.​


Tuesday 3rd December 2024 on Zoom at 7.30 pm

"Tell us, tell us all about it"

James Hurley, revival director of Opera North's Ruddigore, will enlighten us on this production.

The Norman Beckett meeting.​​​

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Tuesday 14th January 2025 on Zoom at 7.30 pm

"Sprites of earth and air"

Our Vice-President Martin Lamb will intrigue us with an illustrated talk on ‘Gilbert and Sullivan and the supernatural in Victorian Art‘.

Tuesday 11th February 2025 on Zoom at 7.30 pm

"All is prepared"

John Broad and Rosalind Griffiths share stories of their performing careers from their time in the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and beyond.

Sunday 23rd February 2025 at 2.30 pm

"Oh, joy unbounded!"

Our friends from Sale G&S Society will perform Trial by Jury in celebration of its 150th anniversary, and David Walton will share some thoughts about this gem of an opera.


Sunday 30th March 2025 at 2.30 pm

"And I am right, And you are right. And everything is quite correct!"

What are our top three G&S operas? John Coates will encourage us to share our favourites in the G&S canon.

Tuesday 13th May 2025 at 7.30 pm at Cross Street Chapel

"Strange the views some people hold!"

Annual General Meeting.

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